id: /id
Read a Patient resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the Patient resource with id 20
search: _id, identifier, name, birthdate, gender, given, family, deceased, deceased date, email, phone, address-city, address-state, address-postalcode, address-country
Search for a Patient resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
_id string patient id
identifier token patient identifier, optionally prefixed by identifier scheme + |
name string patient last name
birthdate date patient's date of birth
gender string patient's gender
given string patient's given name
family string patient's family name
deceased token whether patient is deceased
deceased date token date patient was deceased
email token patient's email address
phone token patient's phone number
address-city string patient's city
address-state string patient's state
address-postalcode string patient's postal code
address-country string patient's country
Read the Patient resource with name Jones, given Mary, and birthdate 2022-12-14
Example response:
The Patient response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a AllergyIntolerance resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the AllergyIntolerance resource with id 20
search: _id, patient, date
Search for a AllergyIntolerance resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
_id string allergy id
patient string patient to whom this allergy intolerance applies
date date Date first version of the resource instance was recorded
Read the AllergyIntolerance resources belonging to patient 1920172
Example response:
The AllergyIntolerance response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a CarePlan resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the CarePlan resource with id 20
search: patient, category
Search for a CarePlan resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
patient string Who the care plan is for
category string Type of plan
Read the CarePlan resources of type assessment and plan for patient 1920172
Example response:
The CarePlan response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a CareTeam resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the CareTeam resource with id 20
search: patient, status, date
Search for a CareTeam resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
patient string Who care team is for
status token proposed | active | suspended | inactive | entered-in-error
date date A date within the coverage time period
Read the CareTeam resource with for patient 1920172 and status of active
Example response:
The CareTeam response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a Condition resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the Condition resource with id 20
search: patient, onset-date, abatement-date
Search for a Condition resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
patient string Who has the condition?
onset-date date Date related onsets (dateTime and Period)
abatement-date date Date-related abatements (dateTime and period)
Read the Condition resource with onset date greater than or equal to 2022-01-01
Example response:
The Condition response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a Device resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the Device resource with id 20
search: _id, patient
Search for a Device resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
_id string Device id
patient string Patient to whom this device belongs
Read the Device resources for patient 1920172
Example response:
The Device response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a DiagnosticReport resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the DiagnosticReport resource with id 20
search: category, code, patient, date
Search for a DiagnosticReport resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
category token Which diagnostic discipline/department created the report
code token The code for the report, as opposed to codes for the atomic results, which are the names on the observation resource referred to from the result
patient reference The subject of the report if a patient
date date The clinically relevant time of the report
Read the DiagnosticReports resource of category LAB for patient 1920172
Example response:
The DiagnosticReport response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a DocumentReference resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the DocumentReference resource with id 20
search: _id, patient, category, type, date
Search for a DocumentReference resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
_id string id of this DocumentReference
patient string Who/what is the subject of the document
category token Categorization of document
type token Kind of document (LOINC if possible)
date date When this document reference was created
Read the DocumentReference resources belonging to the patient 1920172
Example response:
The DocumentReference response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a Goal resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the Goal resource with id 20
search: _id, patient
Search for a Goal resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
_id string id for this Goal
patient string The patient to whom this Goal belongs
Read the Goal resources for patient 1920172
Example response:
The Goal response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a Immunization resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the Immunization resource with id 20
search: patient, date, reaction-date
Search for a Immunization resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
patient string The patient for the vaccination record
date date Vaccination (non)-Administration Date
reaction-date date When reaction started
Read the Immunization resources for patient 1920172
Example response:
The Immunization response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a MedicationRequest resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the MedicationRequest resource with id 20
search: patient, intent, status
Search for a MedicationRequest resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
patient reference Returns prescriptions for a specific patient
intent token Returns prescriptions with different intents
status token Status of the prescription
Read the MedicationRequest resources for patient 1920172 of intent proposal
Example response:
The MedicationRequest response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a Observation resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the Observation resource with id 20
search: date, patient, code, category
Search for a Observation resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
date date Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period
patient reference The subject that the observation is about (if patient)
code token The code of the observation type
category token The classification of the type of observation
Read the Observation resources of loinc 8867-4 (Heart Rate) for patient 1920172
Example response:
The Observation response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a Procedure resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the Procedure resource with id 20
search: patient, date
Search for a Procedure resource using querystring or form parameters
Name Type Description
patient reference Search by subject - a patient
date date When the procedure occurred or is occurring
Read the Procedure resources for patient 1920172
Example response:
The Procedure response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a Encounter resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the Encounter resource with id 20
Example response:
The Encounter response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a Organization resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the Organization resource with id 20
Example response:
The Organization response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request

id: /id
Read a Provenance resource by id
Name Type Description
id string Resource id
Read the Provenance resource with id 20
Example response:
The Provenance response conforms to the HL7 specification per the example:
Status Text Description
400 Bad request Bad parameter or parameter(s) provided in request