

What Is FHIR? The HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standard defines how healthcare information can be exchanged between different computer systems regardless of how it is stored in those systems. To learn more about the HL7 FHIR specification, click here. To visit the ASP.MD website, click here.

Public Endpoint

The Base URL against which FHIR REST-ful services run is:

To view the available REST-ful services, view the Single Patient API Documentation or the Bulk Patient API Documentation.

API Endpoints

Single Patient API

The single patient API specifies methods pertaining to a patient by search parameters. The Patient Resource may be returned using this API. Additionally, bundled Resources pertaining to the Patient may be requested: For example, a Patient's CarePlan, CareTeam, or Observations. Single patient documentation link: Single Patient API.

Multi Patient (Bulk) API

The Bulk API allows for the export of multiple Patients according to search parameters, as well any specified Resources applicable to these Patients. Results of a bulk export are created as secured NDJSON files. Multi patient documentation link: Multi Patient API

Mandatory Software Components

Components and Configurations

  1. Web applications MUST support the HTTPS 1.1 protocol
  2. Application MUST use only port 443 for TLS
  3. Application MUST support and prefer TLS 1.2 or higher
  4. Application MUST read and parse FHIR-based JSON responses
  5. Application MUST utilize OAuth2.0 for client authentication and authorization
  6. For Patient Facing applications, an AMOS Patient Portal acccount is required
  7. For Provider-facing applications, an AMOS Provider account is required
  8. Application SHOULD have a valid, non-expired TLS certificate issued from a trusted authority

Refresh Token

Obtaining a new access token using a refresh token

Prepare a request containing the following parameters:

  1. grant_type=refresh_token (this expression is a literal string)
  2. refresh_token=[your refresh token value]
  3. redirect_uri=[your redirect uri] (Note, this must match the redirect uri that was saved during the registration of your app)

Create an authorization header in the following manner:

  1. "Basic " + [your Base64-encoded Client ID] + ":" + [your Client Secret]
  2. POST the request to our token server with this Authorization Header

Our token endpoint will return JSON with a new access_token with a new expires_in, and a new refresh_token. You can utilize this new token in subsequent requests.

Privacy Policy

Click this link to view the Privacy Policy.

New Client Registration

Use your custom app in AMOS

We support two uses of our FHIR API:
  • A patient can launch the app for themselves
  • A provider can launch the app for themselves
If an application is already registered in the system:
  • If the doctor is already registered in our system, they can log in as usual to use the app
  • If the patient is already registered in our system, they can lon in to the Portal as usual to use the app

Registering a new application

To register a new application, you will be asked to provide the following details on the registration form:
  1. Your name
  2. The name of your application
  3. What your application does
  4. Your website link
  5. Your phone number
  6. Who will use your application (patient vs provider)
  7. Whether the application needs to use its data in an offline setting

Upon filling out this registration form, we will set you up with your app ID and client secret (if it applies).

Registration form

Click here to register your new app